
Δίκτυο Οικονομικών Βιβλιοθηκών (ΔΙ.Ο.ΒΙ.) – Hellenic Economic Library Network (H.E.LI.N.)


In September 2014, PIOP’s Library became a member of the Hellenic Economic Library Network.


The goal of H.E.LI.N. is to promote the collaboration among its library-members towards the exchange of services and resources relating to collections of publications on economics and financial issues. The libraries participating in the Network are those belonging to: Alpha Bank, the National Bank of Greece, the National and Capodistrian University of Athens-Department of Economic Sciences, the Centre of Planning and Economic Research, the Athens University of Economics and Business, the University of Piraeus, the Piraeus Bank Group Cultural Foundation, the Bank of Greece, the Hellenic Ministry of the Economy, Infrastructure, Shipping and Tourism, and the Harokopio University.


For further information about H.E.LI.N., please visit

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