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The Environment Museum of Stymphalia opened to the public in 2010. It belongs to the Municipality of Stymphalia and operates under the responsibility of the Piraeus Bank Group Cultural Foundation, which is also responsible for its continued functioning for a period of fifty years since its establishment.


The Municipality of Stymphalia (today's Municipality of Sikyon) and the Forestry Department of Corinth conceded a plot of land in the mountainous part of the Korinthia prefecture, with the objective of an Environment Museum being built on it. The project was included in the 2000-2006 Regional Operational Programme of the Peloponnese and was financed by the Third Community Support Framework, with the contribution of the Piraeus Bank Group.


The Museum's building was designed so as to take advantage of the local climate's positive elements, such as the fresh breezes for its natural cooling and solar energy for the winter months.


The basic element of its design was, also, the uninhibited view towards the lake. The Museum juts out from the sloping land, vigorously stating its presence.


In 2008, the building was awarded a Special Mention in the Architecture Awards of the Hellenic Institute of Architecture; it has also been included in The Phaedon Atlas of 21st Century World Architecture.


The Museum was created in the framework of the regional Operational Programme of the Peloponnese 2000-2006. The Programme was 80% funded by the European Union and 20% by national funds.



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