Conservation, restoration and rehabilitation of monuments in Greece 1950-2000

Conservation, restoration and rehabilitation of monuments in Greece 1950-2000

Editors: Haralambos Bouras, Panayotis Tournikiotis
Athens 2010, 
348 p., 315 ill./drawings
ISBN 978-960-244-146-6
€ 68.90
This collective work comprises 16 studies by renowned architects and archaeologists, who have played an important role in the rehabilitation works of classified Ancient, Byzantine and Modern architectural monuments. The initiation of systematic efforts to preserve Greece’s monumental heritage dates back to the second half of the 20th century, without this meaning, of course, the subsequent adoption and especially application of a decisive State policy. These architectural monuments are approached as cultural goods and their rehabilitation is undertaken in relation both to the surrounding built-up area and the natural landscape they belong to and which makes them stand out as special historical elements of the country’s architectural heritage.
The themes treated in this volume comprise, among others, the ideological and theoretical approaches in the restoration processes, the chronicle of rehabilitations and the degree of their social acceptance, as well as studies on the conservation and showcasing of Prehistoric, Classical, Byzantine and Modern monuments or monumental complexes. Lastly, the book includes subjects relating to traditional buildings and to those belonging to the Classicist current, as well as to Greek experiences of monument management.