Stymphalia project - man+environment

Stymphalia project - man+environment

Athens 2012, 68 p., 41 ill.
ISBN 978-960-244-157-2
(non commercial edition)

The book is the catalogue of the contemporary art exhibition titled «Stymphalia project - man and the environment», which was organized in the spring of 2012 at the Museum of the Environment of Stymphalia. The publication records the artistic action that resulted in the context of a workshop with a group of students and professors of the Athens School of Fine Arts (ASFA) in this particular Museum of PIOP’s Museum Network. Through the professors’ texts, the short commentaries of the students-artists about their works and the corresponding photographs from the exhibition, the catalogue conveys the idea of the artist’s approach of the surrounding environment of Stymphalia, the inspiration born of it and the artistic creation that was finally completed.
The publication of the catalogue, which is not for sale, was undertaken with a view to offering all the copies to the Athens School of Fine Arts for educational and academic use, as the product of the fertile collaboration between the Cultural Foundation and the ASFA, as well as a gesture of PIOP’s effective support of the Fine Arts university institution.