The economic history of the Hellenic State

The economic history of the Hellenic State

Thanassis Kalafatis – Evanghelos Prontzas, with the collaboration of A. Giannitsis, S. Gekas, Z. Demathas, Chr. Desyllas, Margarita Dritsa, P. Ioakeimidis, V. Kardassis, Sofia Lazaretou, G. Mitrofanis, Th. Pakos, K. Papageorgiou, P. Petrakis, Ph. Sahinidis, Maria Synarelli, St. Tsotsoros, Gelina Harlafti
Publication advisor: Spiros Asdrahas
Volume I: Building a national economy,
Volume II: Economic functions and progress,
Volume III: Quantitative analysis documents
Athens 2011, vol. I: 725 p., vol. II: 864 p., vol. III: 802 p.
ISBN 978-960-244-149-7 (set),
Vol. I: 978-960-244-150-3, vol. II: 978-960-244-151-0, vol. III: 978-960-244-152-7
€ 119.44

This collective work, the result of a long-term investigation both of the sources and international bibliography and of interdisciplinary works, analyzes and examines in depth the various aspects of economic activity and economic policy, as they evolved from the very first steps of the newly-founded Hellenic State through to our times. The first two volumes treat subjects such as land ownership and production, the economy of the sea and of the secondary sector, prices and living standards, the monetary system, the budget and fiscal policy, the foreign exchange regime and international economic factors, especially within the framework of the European Union. The third volume contains the quantitative data, with detailed and analytic tables documenting the aforementioned texts. It is worth stressing, however, this work's topical nature, as the interpretation of today's economic circumstances is better achieved through the study of the past.