Science and Technology

The series "Science and technology" includes translations of foreign classics manuals on issues surrounding industrial archaeology and history of techniques.
9 Βιβλία
Introduction to the History of Techniques

Francois Russo 
(translation: Christina Agriantoni)
Athens 1993, pp. 521
ISBN 960-244-027-9
€ 15.90

This work aims to provide a systematic analysis of the cognitive field...

Introduction to Industrial Archaeology

Rainer Slotta 
(translation: Agis Papadopoulos) 
Athens 1992, pp. 234, figs 133, drawings 16
ISBN 960-244-025-2
€ 10.60

This illustrated book aims to provide a basic introduction to the science...

Industrial archaeology

Jacques Pinard
(translation: Yorgos Spanos)
Athens 1991, pp. 164, figs 50
ISBN 960-244-021-X
€ 8.48

The author places emphasis on the remnants of the industrial past and indicates...