The people’s machine… Museum of Industrial Olive-Oil Production of Lesvos (Aghia Paraskevi Lesvos island)

The people’s machine… Museum of Industrial Olive-Oil Production of Lesvos (Aghia Paraskevi Lesvos island)

This educational pack, available in Greek only, comprises the following:
The teacher's handbook, a museo-pedagogical approach with texts by Niki Nikonanou (which analyzes the pack's content, offers instructions to teachers on how to use it and presents the educational material organized according to three age groups).

Three packets of activity cards for the children: 
  1. Production cards, 
  2. Exploration sheets, 
  3. Role cards.

- Books-aids for teachers:

  1. The Guide to the Museum of Industrial Olive-Oil Production of Lesvos, Athens 2008 (with texts drafted by Alexandra Bounia),
  2.  Evridiki Sifnaiou, Industry and communal movement. "The People's Machine" in Aghia Paraskevi Lesvou, Athens 2007,
  3. Antonis Plytas, Kernel-oil production, refineries, soap manufacturing, Athens 2007,
  4. Antonis Plytas, The introduction of steam and diesel power to the industrial production of olive oil, Athens 2007,
  5. Antonis Plytas, Industrial olive-oil production, Athens 2007.