The Guide to the Museum of Marble Crafts on the island of Tinos follows the progression of the museological modules presented in the museum; the fundamental concern of making the museum’s visit a pleasant experience is achieved by recounting the story of marble-related crafts through time and linking it to the exhibits on show. The author, ethnologist and researcher, describes the historical course of marble carving by following the technology of marble crafts, from the pre-industrial period up to the 20th century. The quarrying process, the techniques related to it and the initial in situ hewing, the marble blocks’ transportation, the use of specialized tools and the manner in which the slab-slitting installations function constitute the Guide’s themes. An extensive chapter is also dedicated to the local marble workshops, as well as to the work of famous marble carvers who either worked on Tinos and neighbouring islands, or moved to Athens and other European capitals. Lastly, it contains a detailed presentation of the museum exhibits, metal tools, marble works of art and the rich archival material, which includes drawings and documents about the expenses incurred and the invoicing of orders for secular or ecclesiastical works.
The Guide is also available in Greek.